The best 10 simple health tips for everyone in 2024

The entrance of the new year always brings with it new purposes and horizons. If there is something that we all want for the year that has just entered, it is to be overflowing with simple health tips for everyoneAnd of course, our audiological and visual health is also important in our well-being and quality of life. Follow our advice and make a note on your list of resolutions to take care of it.

Decalogue of good healthy resolutions

But our list of new purposes, as we already told you, will not be limited to audiological or simple health careWe propose a simple, practical, viable DECALOGUE that will serve as a reference to make changes in your life that will bring peace of mind, serenity, satisfaction, and a great reward in your day-to-day life.

1. Medical check-ups

The popular saying makes it clear: “prevention is better than cure”. So let's get to work: visit the dentist at least once a year; control your cholesterol and sugar levels with the help of your GP… Periodic medical check-ups – gynecologist, urologist – will help us live more peacefully and prevent diseases or detect them in time. Also, don't forget the importance of going for a check-up to prevent hearing, visual and audiological problems.

2. Maintain healthy habits

It is not something trivial, developing healthy habits in our daily lives will make us feel much better. In this list we include:

  • Sleep between 7 and 8 hours a day, in a quiet environment, in the dark, without cell phones or tablets, trying to maintain a routine schedule, light dinners, and no stimulating drinks.
  • Routines like drinking more water or cooking more at home.
  • Avoid sedentary life, you can practice physical activities adapted to your time or your preferences: hiking, swimming, tennis, golf, yoga, pilates, maintenance gymnastics, or a daily walk, do not stay glued to the sofa.
  • And above all rest, relax, disconnect, and live more slowly.

3. Balanced, healthy diet with local and seasonal products

Eating well is gaining health, our age, our energy needs or our physical composition are factors to take into account in our diet, but in general, we have to try to eat everything – cereals, fruits, vegetables, oils, dairy products, meats, fish, eggs, sugars- but in moderation. For this reason, the Mediterranean diet is one of those that best adapt to these objectives: consumption of foods of plant origin, using foods of animal origin in moderation, without forgetting olive oil.

Do not resort to miracle diets because they do not exist, put yourself in the hands of food and nutrition professionals. Do not forget to include in your diet seasonal products and products from the land such as honey and oil from the Alcarria, green asparagus, beef from the Sierra Norte, cheeses, bread, mushrooms, or legumes.

4. Healthy breakfast

A good breakfast is essential to face the day with energy and spirit. Some research concludes that those people who do not eat breakfast end up eating more and worse the rest of the day, so do not skip breakfast and even forget about the usual fast coffee and a piece of industrial pastry.

Our country has a great variety and quality of food to enjoy a healthy breakfast. From the Spanish Heart Foundation, in addition to recalling the benefits that a complete breakfast brings to our cardiovascular health, they recommend including a dairy (a glass of milk or yogurt); one or two pieces of fruit; one or two portions of wholemeal bread, some good quality protein such as eggs or Iberian ham and a small amount of extra virgin olive oil, we also suggest including the sweet honey from the Alcarria.

5. Quit smoking

Haven't you quit smoking yet? Well, you know, there are more and more ways to do it, but it's a matter of putting on. Without a doubt, quitting smoking is the most popular resolution of all times and generations. Remember that quitting smoking is good for your health, for your lungs to prevent cancer and other diseases; it is good for the people around you as passive smokers that you turn them into and it is good for society to reduce tobacco consumption and the effects it has on our health and on the health system itself.

6. Control weight

Another classic of the classics: losing weight. We are not going to deny it, since the pandemic arrived, our weight has increased, in most cases, and some of our eating habits have also changed because we still spend more time at home. But one of the keys is to change precooked and processed foods, industrial pastries, sugary drinks, or saturated fats for a diet rich in vegetables, legumes, fruits, and healthy fats, without forgetting our olive oil, in short, practicing the Mediterranean diet. Your health will thank you.

7. Take care of your emotional well-being

Our emotional health is an essential part of our overall healthThe balance between our thoughts, feelings, and behavior will lead us to that desired well-being of the mind that helps us so much to manage our day-to-day. When our mind takes us down other paths and self-esteem is not at a good level, it is best to seek professional help. In the long run, with determination and the right tools, obstacles are overcome.

8. Maintain social relationships

The blessed pandemic has taken away many good habits: meeting friends, and family, enjoying family and friends' celebrations, and traveling. Our personal relationships have changed but little by little we are recovering from the lost contact, so don't be lazy and look for any excuse to meet the people you love and appreciate. Take care of relationships with those who matter most to you.

9. Not being hooked on screens

Many live glued to screens, they cannot live without their mobile, their laptop, or their social networks. The digital connection is part of our daily life but recognizing that sometimes it would not be necessary to be so aware of these gadgets. We are not going to deny that, in recent years, due to the situation we are experiencing, technology has helped us to reunite with family and friends. But, raise your head and listen, look, feel what is happening around you and enjoy the colors, smells, and flavors of the people around you.

10. New personal and professional projects

Remember that whether or not we change the digits on the calendar, it is good for you to set yourself new challenges, big or small, achieving them requires a large dose of personal effort. It is not about going for all and against everything, try to go in phases, step by step, achieving small steps that in the long run will allow you the conquests that you have marked for yourself. Personal and professional changes are good, many are fears, but they will make you feel more alive. 

The importance of going to review to prevent visual problems

The General Council of Opticians-Optometrists Associations recommends carrying out, at least, a complete visual examination at least once a year.  The figure of the optician-optometrist, accompanied by good technology, is crucial for the prevention and early detection of possible eye problems.

The optician-optometrist plays an important role in check-ups. He is the professional indicated to detect any ocular disorder and to carry out a previous adaptation of your frames, glasses, lenses, or contact lenses. Due to the different morphological and anatomical characteristics of each person, all lenses require a prior personalized adaptation.

Technological advances are also an essential help. Technology allows us to improve the service that our opticians provide to users, increasing the reliability of their diagnoses and the success of their treatments. Exclusive innovation has reached the establishments of Central Óptica Guadalajara thanks to:

  • The VISION-R 800 phoropter. It adjusts in steps of 0.01 diopters, accurately finding the subjective adjustment with which our patients feel most comfortable.
  • The AVA TM lens is capable of capturing the exact prescription obtained with VISION-R 800.
  • VISSIOFICE-X. Make an automatic measurement of your features for a perfect adaptation of the glasses you have chosen.

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