Advice Safety Measures & Feeding For Pregnant Women

 Food preparation and handling must be very safe during pregnancy. It must be taken into account that any type of virus can affect the baby, so it is essential to take special care in handling food if there is a pregnant woman.

A safe diet for pregnant women is the first thing to take into account, which is why we are going to talk about the most important measures below.

Precautions with food during pregnancy

During pregnancy, it is important to be careful in the kitchen. That is why taking some precautions with food during pregnancy is essential. What are those precautions?

Wash raw fruits and vegetables well

It is very important to wash raw fruits and vegetables well before eating them, including bagged salads. Water with bleach suitable for disinfection of food can be used. To prepare it, according to the WHO, you have to add a tablespoon of bleach coffee for every liter of water. After immersing in the vegetable or fruit, rinse abundantly with drinking water.

Disinfect your hands, the work table, and kitchen utensils well

In the same way that food must be thoroughly cleaned before cooking it, it is essential that you disinfect your hands with hot water and soap, as well as the utensils that you are going to use and the surface on which you intend to handle the food.

Heat the food

Just as it is important to cook food very well, it is essential to avoid eating cold leftovers. It is necessary to reheat that food to more than 75 C.

The best well-done meat

When a pregnant woman consumes meat, it is important that it is very well done, with a cooking point above 71 C. It may not even be cooked to medium, so you must change the color of the center of the product.

Moderate your caffeine intake

Despite not being a food, it does constitute a dietary precaution during pregnancy. Coffee, tea, soft drinks, or energy drinks should be moderated and preferably minimized in the diet for pregnant women.

Do not forget to read the labeling of use

Reading the labeling of food use, in case they have it, is as important as cooking meat well during pregnancy. Take into account the precautions detailed in the warnings of the products.

Consult your doctor if you need supplements

As a general rule, food supplements are quite healthy and there is no problem when consuming them, but not in the case of a pregnancy. If you are pregnant and think you need supplements, check with your doctor.

Forbidden foods in pregnancy

Over the years, the WHO has included some items on the 'prohibited list' of safe food for pregnant women. What are those foods that a pregnant woman should avoid at all costs?

  • Raw sprouts.
  • Raw, smoked, or marinated fish.
  • Alcoholic drinks.
  • Fresh, grated, or sliced ​​unpasteurized cheeses.
  • Raw or undercooked meat.
  • Raw eggs or preparations made with raw, unpasteurized eggs (homemade sauces, homemade ice cream, homemade desserts).
  • Fruits, vegetables, or vegetables that have not been previously washed.
  • raw milk
  • Large fish such as swordfish, shark, or bluefin tuna.
  • Sliced ​​meat products that are not cooked.
  • Pates.

It is important to cross out all of these foods to ensure food safety for pregnant women.

Healthy eating for pregnant women: general advice

How to cook during pregnancy or what is the best diet for pregnant women are some of the guidelines that must be taken into account so that the diet during the gestation stage is the best. Let's take a look at some general tips:

  • Increase the consumption of fruit and vegetables, provided they have been thoroughly washed and cooked beforehand.
  • Make 4 to 5 meals a day: a good breakfast is essential to face the day with energy during pregnancy.
  • Consume at least 2 liters of water a day, in addition to eating some water-rich foods such as vegetables or fruits.
  • Moderate your salt intake. It will be necessary to reduce it as much as possible.
  • Increase the intake of fish, especially in the third trimester, so that the baby has a good development thanks to omega 3 and the rest of the nutrients in these foods.
  • Avoid foods rich in fat and fried foods, as well as anything that contains added sugars.
  • Cook all kinds of food well to avoid any type of infection or virus that could affect the baby.

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Important Warning: Breastfeeding provides the best nutrition for babies. The pediatrician is the one who can best advise you on the care and feeding of your child, and on the foods that you should add to the diet as it grows.

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