Advice For New Mothers: Before And After Giving Birth

Although the time of delivery is one of the moments that most worries new mothers, the litmus test comes a few days later with the arrival of the baby at home. Facing that moment is not easy being a new mother, but as the days go by you will realize that everything is a matter of practice.

Even so, we are going to give some tips and advice for new mothers before and after giving birth, which will help you know what you need and what guidelines we recommend following.

What does a new mother need?

Before she is born, it is necessary to get hold of a series of essential things for the well-being of the baby. These accessories and furniture will be very necessary and you will not have time to buy them when your little one is born. That is why it is recommended to acquire them a few months before. But what are they?

The crib, a place to sleep

The baby will need a suitable place to sleep after her birth. There are hundreds of models, so you will have to choose the one that best suits the parenting method you are going to use. The co-sleeping crib, for example, is the most recommended by both the WHO and UNICEF, since it favors breastfeeding and reduces the probability of sudden death of the baby.

The bathtub and changing table

Bath time is one of the favorites of all new mothers. It is true that the baby may not like her first forays into the water too much, but as the weeks go by she will love it. That is why having a suitable bathtub for him is very necessary.

The changing table is another of those necessary elements in the baby's room. It will not only serve to change the diaper but also dress the baby every day.

Hygiene and care products

Wipes, diapers, soap with a neutral pH, special sponges, or a baby brush are some of the hygiene products that a new mother needs. Being basic products, we recommend buying them before having the baby.

Cotton clothes

Cotton clothing should be a priority since it is the one that can cause the least allergies in a baby. Also, it is important to have several sets of clothes, especially pajamas. Babies tend to get dirty quickly, so having clean clothes will be a priority.

What to carry in the baby's basket?

One month before the expected date of delivery, it is important to prepare the basket that you will take to the hospital, being another thing that a new mother needs to know. For you, you can include a pair of nightgowns, preferably open at the front to facilitate breastfeeding, underwear, slippers, your usual toiletry bag, postpartum pads, nursing pads, and the clothes you will wear when you return home.

For the baby, the Spanish Association of Pediatrics recommends adding cotton clothing for five days, such as body, booties, hats, mittens or pajamas, diapers and wipes for newborns, cream for the bottom, bibs, and the necessary utensils to take it to the house (blanket, stroller or carrycot).

Basic baby care

One of the great fears of new mothers is not knowing what the basic care of the baby is. Next, we are going to give some tips so that the arrival of the baby is not so exhausting.

Umbilical cord care

Curing the umbilical cord is one of the most common fears in new mothers, but there is nothing to worry about since it only requires a gauze soaked in 70% alcohol. It will end up falling off on its own between the eighth and tenth day.


Breastfeeding is the best way to feed the baby during the first year of life, moreover, the WHO recommends that the first six months of a baby be exclusively breastfed. It is true that the first few times it can be quite difficult for the baby to latch on to the breast, so we recommend a lot of patience, calmness, and a nursing pillow to make it more comfortable for you.

infant colic

With the first shots, it is possible that the first cramps appear. To avoid them as much as possible, you should never forget the time to expel gas after meals. If the baby still suffers from colic, a gentle abdominal massage is usually very effective, also in our article What is colic? We give you some suggestions to help your little one.

Go to the pediatrician if you want the advice of a professional.

When should a baby eat

Breastfeeding on demand is the most appropriate feeding method according to experts. You have to let the baby ask for food and not force him to eat. This will prevent stomach cramps and colic. If you have doubts about breastfeeding, in the article How to breastfeed we explain the basic aspects that you should know.

Baby sleeping position

Although each baby is different, pediatricians recommend putting the baby to bed on his back or on his side. It is necessary to avoid that the baby sleeps on his stomach and that he has too many stuffed animals in the crib. In addition, we also recommend that you take advantage of the baby's sleep hours to sleep.

When to visit the pediatrician

The baby's first visit to the pediatrician should take place in the first week of life. If you leave the hospital later, we recommend that you visit the pediatrician in the first week of living at home with the baby. In this way, the doctor will be able to do a thorough examination of the baby and check that everything is fine. In addition, the pediatrician will also be able to make some recommendations about the care of your baby.

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