How To Care For The Delicate Skin Of Your Baby

It has the softest touch in the world and its smell is so wonderful that it serves to reinforce the emotional bond with the mother. Take advantage of the first months of your child's life to protect his skin and to create hygiene and care habits that will make your child have healthy skin throughout his life.

Being Fathers for Sanosan

At birth, newborn rashes on the face are covered by a whitish sebaceous substance: it is the vernix caseosa, and its function within the mother's womb was to protect the skin of the fetus from irritating substances such as amniotic fluid and contribute to its formation, keeping it isolated of moisture This protective layer formed by remains of cells and fat that babies wear 'as standard' takes place on week 20 of gestation and during week 36 their production is reduced. Therefore, most babies are born with very little, except if they are premature.

The  WHO recommends not removing the vernix from newborn rashes on the face. That is why the first bath is usually postponed for at least 24 hours. This is how its properties are maintained: it helps the development of the acid mantle and thermoregulation and, due to its high content of vitamin E, protects babies from solar radiation. The skin of the newborn will reabsorb this substance naturally.

delicate skin of your baby

Your skin, more fragile than that of an adult

The baby's skin is  20% thinner than that of an adult. It is also more permeable and dries more quickly because the corneal layer  (the outermost of the skin) is thinner than yours. And it is more sensitive to external stimuli such as pollution, temperature, or solar radiation since the number of melanocytes  (cells responsible for skin pigmentation) is lower than normal,  sweat glands do not work at full capacity and the dermis and epidermis are less connected than in adults.

During the first weeks of life, the acid mantle begins to develop,  which creates a barrier with the outside that will protect you from pathogens, irritants, and dehydration. Therefore it is essential to use appropriate products that take care of the baby's skin and favor the development of the acid mantle.

To know which products are the most appropriate, the pH of the baby's skin must be taken into account. During the first 5 weeks of life, the pH of our child is 6.5: the acid mantle favors that it is 5.5, the perfect condition for healthy skin. Does this mean we have to use products with neutral pH? The answer is no. Neutral pH is a pH 7, higher than the pH 5.5 of healthy skin. The most appropriate and effective products to promote the natural functions of the skin and take care of it are those that have a pH of 5.5.

During the first weeks, it is recommended that the products for your baby do not contain  PEG (polyethylene glycol) present in most personal care products. It has a great capacity to penetrate the skin and, over time, ends up accumulating in the body.


When bathing the baby, the water removes the protective fat layer and causes dehydration. Therefore it is advisable to apply moisturizer after a bath to improve the level of moisture and the protective function of the skin.

Two of the most suitable natural ingredients are olive oil and hydrolyzed milk protein. Olive oil is one of the most effective moisturizers, provides numerous benefits for skincare, and helps repair dry and cracked skin. For its part, the protein in hydrolyzed milk is a natural active ingredient with protective and soothing properties for the skin. It creates a hydrolipidic film that provides softness and flexibility to the skin.

These ingredients are the basis of the CanoScan brand formulas. Sanosan produces hygiene and child care products using only natural ingredients and adapting its formulas to the delicate skin and specific care at each stage of the baby. All its products are made in Germany and are recommended by midwives. If you want to find out more about CanoScan,
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